Dear Lord,
I stand today in the forgiveness purchased by Jesus Christ on the cross. Thank you for such a sacrifice. By the Cross, you honored both your holiness and your love. Your forgiveness of me is just, holy, righteous, and pure. I stand free from guilt, free from shame, free from condemnation.
Thank you, God, for the Cross of Christ. Thank you for Calvary Love. I am humbled and grateful when I think of that great sacrifice. Such agony, such pain, such a death, for me. I bless you as my Savior. I worship you as my King. I find my shelter in the shadow of the cross, and know no sin can condemn me there.
I claim my forgiveness in Christ, today and everyday.
On the authority if Christ's Cross, I label myself FORGIVEN.
I may fail a thousand times today. I may let you down. I may let myself down.
But of this I am sure: you have forgiven me, once for all. You have cast my sins behind your back and dismissed them as far as the east is from the west. You have washed me in the blood of the Lamb.
I peel off the labels of guilt and shame. I peel off the labels of self-punishment. I peel off labels of penance. I rest my conscience at the foot of the cross. I tell the accusing voices in my head that your forgiveness of me is total, permanent, finished, and exhaustive. I command those voices to be silent. God has spoken. I am clean. I am forgiven. It is finished.
The only label I accept today when it comes to my sins is FORGIVEN.
Today, dear Father, help me walk in the light of your perfect forgiveness. And help me extend the same hand of mercy to those who offend me.
Through My Precious Savior I pray.