Dr Bill Giovannetti
Founder of Veritas School of Biblical Ministry

Enjoy Personalized

Ministry-Training as You Go Deep into God's Word

Veritas is the only seminary designed for lay leaders and volunteers to equip you to become a high-impact leader in your community and church.
As a volunteer leader or worker in your church, you may not feel fully equipped. Now, whether you are preparing Bible lessons for hundreds of adults, leading a medium-size youth group, hosting a small group, or simply sharing God's Word with a handful of children, with Veritas, you can propel your impact for Christ and the Gospel beyond what you ever dreamed.
    Most volunteers in the church learn the Bible in bits and pieces, like getting a jumble of puzzle pieces.
    With Veritas our Theology and Ministry Courses give you the box top so you can put it all together. 
    Most volunteers in the church are never guided in their ministry roles.
    With Veritas, you'll enjoy direct access to your professor/pastor for questions, guidance, and leadership so you never feel overwhelmed. 
    With most programs you wait years to gain access to all the resources.
    With Veritas, you will enjoy immediate, unlimited access to 12 core theology and ministry courses, 4 topical webinars, 10 digital books, 40+ videos, 300 pages of downloadable lecture notes, a dozen bonus lessons, regular Ask Me Anything sessions, a community of everyday Bible scholars like yourself, and so much more. 
    Most volunteers in the church are thrown into service and leadership without much training. 
    With Veritas you will be guided step-by-step through all the learning and skills you need to bring God's love to others with power, biblical integrity, and grace. Plus you will work at your own pace. Even more, understanding your busy schedule, homework is optional. 
    Most volunteers in the church stumble their way into teaching and speaking. 
    With Veritas, you'll discover simple techniques to craft and deliver talks, lessons, and even sermons with new-found clarity and power. 
    For most Everyday Christians, discipleship is hit or miss. 
    With Veritas you can have your calling and leadership affirmed with our exclusive MASTER OF MINISTRY CERTIFICATION. 
Hear from Our Students...
Sheila P.
"Amazing! Better than I could have imagined because I feel like I actually understand."
Dave M.
"If you're interested in learning an effective, systematic way to dive deeper into the Bible with confidence, start here."
Betty L.
"Dr Bill's ability to organize and convey a huge amount of information in a short period of time is seriously impressive."
You Deserve to Have Access to Strong, Bible-Based Teaching That Nourishes Your Soul and Spirit...
Without having to sacrifice your family, quit your day job, or invest tens of thousands on a degree! Sadly though, this type of teaching has never been more difficult to find for Everyday Christians. Many churches have stopped emphasizing theology in their teaching, and opted for more practical, topical messages instead...

And as a result? We're facing spiritual immaturity and biblical illiteracy like we've never seen before on a global scale! At Veritas School of Biblical Ministry, we're on a mission to raise up a new generation of everyday believers who can flip this narrative, and stop this epidemic in its tracks...
Here's a quick VIDEO WALK-THROUGH of what you'll receive immediately when you start your FREE enrollment...
Hi, I'm Bill Giovannetti,
Founder of Veritas School of Biblical Ministry...
And I understand that feeling of dissatisfaction in your faith all too well. For years, I was the poster child for a faithful servant of Christ...
  • I was serving non-stop at Youth Group, on worship teams, in prayer meetings, and during Sunday services to try and find meaning
  • I was reading every trending Christian book to search for answers and truth
  • I was listening intently to sermons and podcasts to find revelation
  • I was praying for understanding and a biblical perspective on the world around me
  • I was diligently attending and leading Bible studies, trying to piece together my knowledge of Scriptures
On the outside, I was checking all the boxes. But on the inside, I was feeling beyond confused, and struggling to find the answers I needed. If my experience sounds familiar to you too, you're not alone. And there is good news...
Dr. Bill Giovannetti
Pastor | Professor | Author
A note from a pastor's heart
There is More to Your Christian Walk Than This, and it is Possible to Move Past the Surface-Level, and Find True Understanding in Your Faith
The truth is, so many Christians are taught how to serve God, but not how to know God. They study Christian service, but not Christ himself. In my own walk, I was trapped in a web of exhausting duties and religious obligations... When in reality, I needed teaching that was less about my behavior, and more about God's nature.

So I embarked on a new path... I enrolled in seminary, put my life on pause for 3 intensive years of study, and invested tens of thousands of dollars to gain a theological basis for my faith. I've since used that knowledge on a daily basis, and spent 25+ years instilling it to thousands of people in churches and universities in America. 

But what I've come to realize is that this understanding of the Bible is essential for all Christians! Yet up until now, it has been near-impossible to access in a systematic and organize way–unless you have the time, money, and freedom to invest thousands of dollars at a graduate-level.
Why Should the Deepest Wonders of God's Love be Reserved for Scholars, Professional Clergy, and Pastors?
At Veritas School of Biblical Ministry, we believe that God gave all His truth, to all His people. We're on a mission to bring the church back to the Bible, and the Bible back to the church.

We've combined decades of pastoral experience in large churches, with over 25 years teaching theology in Christian colleges and seminaries... And as a result, we've developed a powerful ministry training program. We're helping everyday believers like yourself gain a theological understanding of the Bible and their faith!

Finally, you can access an online seminary for everyday people... without a bachelor's degree, without quitting your day job, and without a $40K+ investment.
With Your New Knowledge and Skills, You Can...
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)
Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.
(1 Peter 3:15)
Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
(2 Timothy 4:2)
[God gave leaders] for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
(Ephesians 4:12)
Rise Above
Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage
(Galatians 5:1)
I commend you to God and to the Word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. (Acts 20:32)
Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly... and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith. (Acts 6:7)
So that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. (Acts 20:24)
And ultimately, find the understanding you've been searching for, walk with confidence, share your faith with others, and live a life wholly committed to Christ!
Enjoy a BIGGER impact for Christ and the Gospel.
Gain a BETTER skills to interpret and teach the Bible.
Find a DEEPER relationship with God .
How will you feel a short time from now when a friend asks a spiritual question, and your answer displays a wisdom that surprises even yourself? 
As a student of Veritas School of Biblical Ministry, you'll gain the tools, knowledge, and support you need to...
  • Be equipped to present and communicate the way of salvation with clarity, conviction and courage

  • Connect with a growing tribe of like-minded believers and volunteers in of churches around the world

  • Escape a shallow understanding of God and build a strong relationship, deeply rooted in biblical truth

  • Present a strong case for Christ to your family, friends and peers, lead them to Christ, and help them grow in their faith and understanding

  • Understand the heart of the Gospel, and how the Bible fits together into a harmonious whole

  • Receive great instruction on the wonders of God's grace, the depths of his character, the glory of the Cross, how this makes a difference in our lives, and more

...and ultimately, to help you take your faith deeper than ever, avoid confusion around the Scriptures, and learn to study and interpret the Bible for yourself.
Here's What You'll Gain Access to When You Become a Student of VSBM

16 self-paced courses to help you decipher God's word for yourself like never before. From foundational understandings, to advanced theology, you'll learn alongside other everyday Christians as you deepen your faith and expand your knowledge.

A Master of Ministry Certification to prove to yourself, and others the depth of your commitment to serve Christ and His gospel. Be equipped with seminary-level learnings at a fraction of the cost or time commitment.

Private chat portal access with a direct line to your professor/coach. Get answers when you need them from a caring pastor and expert in ministry, with decades of teaching experience in churches and universities and a lifetime of theological study. 

Graduate-school level instruction from a seasoned biblical professor, designed for busy people who are not yet in full-time ministry. With realistic requirements for reading, homework, and grades, you can grow in your bible knowledge without sacrificing your life, career or family.

Student Social Wall to help you discuss, process, and learn from fellow students just like you. Explore theological and important life issues in a safe place, free from judgment.

Flexibility in your learning with live, on-demand, and optional in-person teaching sessions. Study in your own time, or join us for powerful live teaching and Q&A to help you grow deeper and connect with fellow students.

Plus, you'll create powerful relationships with like-minded, lifelong learners of God's Word as you explore faith and ministry together.
Hear From Our Everyday Bible Scholars...
"All I can say is, wow! I am excited to learn these tools to systematically interpret parts of the Bible! Even just researching the meaning of one word is going to open my eyes and heart to so much." ~Amanda W.

"Meditating on what was taught last night, the nerd in me was awakened and I am loving every minute of it!" ~Tom P.

"From Inspiration to Inerrancy and Text Criticism, my mind is seeping in the new knowledge. What a blissful place to be, I am hungry for more! Looking forward to diving in again this evening." ~Sam K.

"Great job with all the content and the presentation." ~Charlene S.

"I am just a little bit giddy, like a freshman who got an invite to the senior prom!" ~Heather K.

"I want to thank you for your teaching style, and the class!! I look forward to the next class. Addiction!" ~Kevin S.
"I am excited to start this program. I leave in January 2022 to do Muslim ministry in the southern Philippines. I am excited to grow and learn.." ~ Michael
The Master of Ministry Certification
Start Any Time.
Jump in whenever it works for you. 
Learn at your own pace. Study at a schedule that works for you.
No deadlines. No pressure. No wasted classes. It's all about the learning. 
Semester One
  • 101 BASICS // Prerequisites. Lay a solid foundation for a lifetime of service and growth with this powerful course for all who feel rusty, or are brand new to the study of theology.
  • 110 BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION (HERMENEUTICS) // Discover the proven process and tools biblical scholars use to correctly interpret Scripture. Spend time in a Christian University library (actual or virtual), and master the art of research as you dig into the Bible.
  • 112 SOTERIOLOGY // Study the Cross and its meaning, and go deeper on topics such as justification, redemption, propitiation, regeneration, atonement, and expiation in this class. We'll take a closer look and what is and isn't the Gospel so you can know for yourself.
  • 114 OVERVIEW OF SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY // Gain a powerful understanding of the key doctrines of systematic theology, including Anthropology, Hamartiology, Eschatology, and Christology. Explore the nature and varieties of these theological constructs and more. This is how all the Bible fits together!
  • 116 CRAFTING MESSAGES AND SERMONS // The art and science of moving from hermeneutics to a well-crafted talk, while always showing the relation to the text. Gain useful tools that will serve you for life, even if you don't have a desire to grow as a preacher.
  • 118 SERVICE PROJECT - VOLUNTEERING  // Embark on 12 powerful weeks of volunteer service at a local church or other ministry to put your learning into practice, and build your hands-on ministry skills and experience.
Semester Two
  • 210 THEOLOGY PROPER (THE DOCTRINE OF GOD) // Understand the doctrine of the Trinity in a new light, as you explore the attributes, nature, and names of God and more.
  • 212 BIBLE SURVEY // Gain a complete understanding of the 66 canonical books of the Old and New Testaments. Learn the setting, themes, and issues inside each section of Scripture, and the special relationship between the Old and New.
  • 214 SANCTIFICATION (THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE) // Discover the theology of how God changes lives through his grace, and develop your own ability to articulate the role of the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives. Go deeper with a dedicated unit on spiritual gifts for Christian service.
  • 216 DELIVERING MESSAGES AND SERMONS // Gain hacks from an experienced preacher that will help you become a better public speaker. Enjoy hands-on learning with a short practice talk on video;
  • 218 SERVICE PROJECT - TEACHING // Put your learning into practice with 12 sessions crafting and teaching Bible lessons to small groups of any age - from youth groups, to children's ministry, to other organizations.
Semester Three
  • 310 APOLOGETICS // Master the art, science, and lifestyle of making the case for Christianity. Develop much-needed tools to defend the authority of Scripture and the Christian worldview.
  • 312 INTRO TO CHRISTIAN HISTORY AND AMERICA'S GREAT AWAKENINGS // Study the story of Christianity, emphasizing key figures in America's history, and going deeper into America's Three Great Awakenings.
  • 314 EVANGELISM // Learn the methods of integrating evangelism into life and ministry. Access training in personal evangelism and witness, mobilizing a church or group for evangelism and keeping the Gospel clear. Plus, explore the powerful relationship between evangelism and social ministry.
  • 316 PRINCIPLES OF PASTORING // Discover the beautiful art of shepherding souls, with a basic introduction to pastoral ministry, plus the basics of counselling, referring, officiating at weddings and funerals, and more.
  • 318 SERVICE PROJECT - LEADING // Put your leadership knowledge into action with a hands-on service project as you lead leaders for at least 12 weeks.
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly interpreting the Word of Truth.
(2 Timothy 2:15)
Join a Growing Tribe of Everyday Tribe of Scholars

"Dr. Bill's ability to organize and convey ahuge amount of information in a short period of time is simply impressive." ~Betty L.

"If you are interested in learning an effective systematic way to dive deeper into the Bible with confidence, start here." ~Dave M.

"My excitement about studying the Bible has been elevated to a new level!" ~Dale P.

"Step above your fears and excuses, if I can do this, so can you!" ~Coretta Z.

"Amazing. Better than I could have imagined, because I feel like I actually understand. I enrolled in Veritas to help me become a more confident and better leader in the High School Ministry..." ~Sheila P.

"I have learned a ton in a very short time.. In the very first class I knew it was a great idea that I had enrolled..." ~Nate C.
I just signed up today...and I know undoubtedly that this is what my spirit, heart and soul needs. God is so amazing - I am filled with joy as He reminded me that: "For in Him we live and move and exist [that is, in Him we actually have our being], as even some of your own poets have said , 'For we also are His children.'" (Acts17:28 Amplified) ~Audray
Why Are Enrolled Students Across America Loving This Theological Training?
It's easy to incorporate learning into your everyday life

Busy with your work, life, and family? Our program is designed to fit around your current commitments, and actually help strengthen them, with flexible workloads, self-paced learnings, and no deadlines. Just four hours a month to go deeper than you ever thought possible.

With access to four live courses per year, and all other webinars and courses optional, you can work through our engaging biblical content at a speed that works for you.

Access graduate school level training at a fraction of the cost

A typical seminary education costs $32k - $50k per year, and is largely inaccessible for everyday Christians wanting to increase their Bible knowledge!

With our program, you can access world-class theological training and gain your Master of Ministry Certification for an affordable, contract-free monthly fee.

No prior study or ministry experience required

We've created this program for everyday Christians, not academics or scholars. As masters at clarifying complex theology and terms, you can gain a deep understanding of the Bible through simple, easy-to-consume lessons.

All assignments, readings, and writings are optional (you can choose to audit), and won't stand in the way of your learning.

Study virtually online and learn from anywhere

Join classes via the online portal, and experience a full learning experience from the comfort of your home.

Ask questions, see the classroom and professor, and access download and materials from your device. You're also welcome to attend live (when possible) at Pathway Church in California, but this is never required.

Designed for Anyone Longing to go Deeper in Faith & Wider in Impact...
Small group leaders
Women's ministries
Elders and deacons
Homeschool parents
Trades workers
Life coaches
Second Career Pastors 
Youth ministry volunteers
Camp counselors
Bible study teachers
Lay leaders
Parents & Grandparents
Homeschool students
Apologetics workers
Youth or Children's Pastors
Men's groups
Worship leaders
Everyday believers
Stephen's ministers
Ministry staff
College students
Ministry volunteers
Campus ministry


Whether you see yourself above, or are simply looking for a space to explore and grow your theological knowledge, this program was created for you.
Become a Student of Veritas School of Biblical Ministry Today
16x self-paced courses to help you grow in your faith and biblical understanding

A Master of Ministry Certification upon completion

Private chat portal access to Dr Bill Giovanetti for coaching and support

Graduate-school level instruction from a seasoned Bible professor

Powerful student forums to connect with fellow scholars

Flexible online learning with on-demand and in-person session access
No contract. Withdraw any time. 
$147 per month  $84 per month
Limited time tuition reduction. Your tuition will never go up as long as you remain enrolled.
Contract-free Tuition Always. Withdraw Hassle-free Anytime at https://veritasschool.life/withdraw

We know that the theological training you'll receive as a student of Veritas School of Biblical Ministry has the power to transform your faith, and make a lifelong impact on your life.
And we want you to have that same certainty that this is the right decision for you, your family, and your ministry, with zero risk to you.
That's why, in the unlikely event that you no longer wish to continue your journey, and gain your full Master of Ministry Certification, you can withdraw from study without further cost.
Withdrawal is a simple one step process, and we'll cancel your monthly tuition - no questions asked.
Frequently Asked Questions
Unfortunately we don't offer scholarships, as we believe every student needs skin in the game to help them succeed. However, we have arranged certain discounts (one per student, subject to verification and change).

  • Married Couples - 50% off your spouse's tuition (one discount per couple) -- discount remains as long as both remain enrolled. One spouses uses this code, and the other spouse can use another code! 
  • Vocational Clergy, or those working through licensing or ordination - 20% off tuition.
  • Volunteer Leaders and Ministry Leaders at Pathway Church, Redding, CA, $8 off monthly tuition
  • Official Partners (Members) at Pathway Church, Redding, CA. You went through the Partnership Class, met with our Board Members, and have attended regularly during the last 6 months - $10 off monthly tuition 
  • Immediate family member living under the same roof (or away at college): 50% off Enrollment while both remain enrolled:

To apply these discounts, please enter the relevant code at the time of ENROLLMENT. 


You will be asked to verify how and why you qualify for a particular discount code. Only one code per enrollment.  

No, there is no prior study required. However, these classes are taught at a Master's degree level, so a decent understanding of reading and writing is helpful. The 101 Basics Course is a great place to start, and will give you a benchmark for the remainder of the program.

You do need to be 16 or older to enroll.

The only prerequisites are a basic knowledge of Scripture and a motivation to grow and learn. 

A PREREQUISITES course is included in the program. 

As soon as you enroll, you gain access to the prerequisites course. This will enable you to brush up on theology and Scripture if you're rusty or if you're new to these studies. 
We understand that circumstances change, and you may not be able to continue studying for whatever reason.
This is why we offer a full month free inside the program when you join, so you can see for yourself if the course is right for you without being charged a cent.
We even send you an email reminder BEFORE your card is ever charged. 
After that month, you may withdraw at any time, and your card will not be billed for the next billing cycle. 
Withdrawing is a hassle-free one step process at veritasschool.life/withdraw
Most classes will include sessions on one weekend, plus a Friday and/or Monday-Tuesday.

Sample Schedule for One Class

Friday -- 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday -- 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Monday -- 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday -- 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

*schedule may vary

Four Classes Per Year, offered quarterly, plus a growing library of previously-taught Classes On Demand.
There is no penalty and no additional cost for withdrawing at any time.

If you have completed 1 semester, you will receive a Certificate of Ministry Training. 

If you have completed 2 semesters, you will receive a Certificate of Ministry Leadership. 

If you have completed 3 semesters, you will receive a Master of Ministry certification.
Our goal is equipping and informing, not adding pressure to your life. 

Here is our grading system: 

PASS (Credit)
PASS (Audit)

Incompletes may be completed by attending all missing lectures and turning in missing assignments within 9 months of the class start date. 
The courses in our Master of Ministry certification program are offered quarterly (every three months). You are offered readings and assignments ahead of time, and then assignments afterwards to complete each course. 

Live lectures are 2-3 hours per session, and 4-6 sessions per class. 

THERE ARE NO DEADLINES. You can work at your own pace.

In between each class, we offer and OPTIONAL Mini Course (such as 115 Providence) or Webinar (Such as Eternal Security). 

You can stay as busy or as relaxed as needed to thrive in our program. It's always up to you!
The staff, faculty, and teachings of VSBM are conservative and evangelical in theology and life. We believe the Bible, interpreted according to grammatical-historical methodology, is the supreme authority for faith and life. 

We also see God's Amazing Grace as the centerpiece of Scripture and Theology. 

  • The heart of Scripture is Christ. 
  • The heart of Christ is Grace. 
  • The heart of Grace is the Cross. 

We affirm the doctrinal statement of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, and fully endorse the Chicago Statements on Biblical Inerrancy and Hermeneutics.
Is Veritas "woke"? No.
Is Veritas into "social justice"? No. We believe in "social ministry" but we stand against the current movement of "social justice."
Is Veritas into Liberation Theology. No
Is Veritas political? No. But we do speak to moral issues affecting society and on occasion politics.
The Master of Ministry certification will take about 2-3 years. You can complete it faster if you like. Each year offers 4 classes plus one service project, for a total of 12 classes and 3 service projects.
Classes will be offered live (when permissible) at Pathway Church in California, and you are welcome to attend. 
You are also welcome to attend via the online portal. You will be able to ask questions, and to see the classroom and professor. You will also have access to all downloads and materials.
Please login to each session early to leave time to troubleshoot technical issues.
No. We are not accredited and we do not offer a degree.
But these are the same classes that have been taught for over 25 years by Dr. Bill Giovannetti at seminary and university in two states. The goal is that you get equipped for greater, deeper, broader ministry effectiveness than ever before -- for Christ and His Gospel!

We are working on a partnership with A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary and you "may" receive credit there for an additional fee. 

Details coming soon. 
We offer course 401 STARTING BIBLICAL GREEK as an extra add-on to our program. This is entirely optional. It's a kinder, gentler way of learning New Testament Greek.

At this point, we are not offering Hebrew classes, though students may cross-register with A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary for Hebrew. 
Our goal is to expose as many students as possible to in-depth equipping and teaching in handling God's Word and leading God's church.

Homework is required for the Master of Ministry degree.

Homework is NOT required, however, if you simply want to audit the program. 

Once you begin a course, all work must be submitted within 9 months to obtain credit for that course. 

Auditors will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. 
The Master of Ministry program includes 3 Service Projects, in volunteering, teaching, and leading. 

If you are already participating in these activities in your church or any other ministry setting, great! You can count that experience to satisfy this requirement. 

If you're not already serving in these ways, your Service Project is a great reason to get started. 

Details will be given during your program of study. 
You CAN Do this!
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
All material on this site is
© Copyright Bill Giovannetti 2018-2022. All Rights Reserved. 
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Veritas makes Everyday Christians fully equipped workers for Christ. 
25,915 days. That's how long the average human lives. One lifetime. We each get one lifetime.

For the world, that lifetime is all there is.

But for the Christian, that lifetime is just a prelude to eternity. 25,915 days doesn't even scratch the surface.

But, what we do with this lifetime still matters.

It matters more than we think.

It matters because what we do with our days on earth will actually define our days in heaven.

When, as a Christian, you stand before God, what will you have done on earth that matters for eternity?

What everlasting difference will your life have made?

At Veritas School we aren't just teaching theology, though we do that.

We aren't just equipping for high impact ministries, though we do that too.

At Veritas, we are transforming everyday Christians into INVINCIBLE CHANGE AGENTS for eternity.

That's our purpose. That's why we exist. That's why we do everything we do.

We are transforming everyday Christians like you and me into change agents for eternity. We want to bring as many people with us as we can. We want to lay up for ourselves as much treasure in heaven as we can.

This is our transcendent and glorious and supernatural purpose. This is what gives meaning to all of us at Veritas.

This is how we say thank you for our Savior Jesus, and for his amazing grace.

Only one life, 'twill soon be past / Only what's done for Christ will last.

So here's the question for you: What will you do with whatever's left of your 25,915 days?

Click this link only if you want to maximize your experience of God's grace now, to maximize your impact here on earth, and to lay up yourself maximum treasures in heaven forever.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Bill Giovannetti
Before you go...
Will You Accept
The Gospel is the most important and precious truth in the world. It is also the least understood. 
Will you be ready to contend for the faith?