138 What Would Jesus Say to Santa

In Episode 138, we continue with the last part of our Christmas series. We not only devote the whole month of December to celebrate Christmas but also to evangelize. Every Christian, not Santa, is responsible for keeping Christ at the center of Christmas. Therefore, whether we accomplish our goals by giving or singing, our attention should always be fixed on God's love and the glory of His Son.

God is against human efforts to steal His glory for themselves via ritual or tradition. It's not Santa. In my opinion. Glory is bestowed upon whatever one chooses. You may lay the blame on non-Christian marketing corporations all across the globe, but the fact remains that Santa serves as a constant reminder to give and a means to keep Christ's name in the spotlight.

Tune in now, and let's go bigger, better, and deeper!

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Episode Timestamps:

Intro – [00:00]
The Story of a Farmer – [02:31]
Message #1: Thank You For Making This World A Better Place – [08:23]
Message #2: The Gifts You Bring Can Never be Enough – [12:51]
Message #3: As Good as you Maybe, You Still Need me – [17:28]
Message #4: I am the Reason for this Season – [23:08]
Final Thoughts – [32:11]
Closing Prayer – [36:35]
Outro – [38:24]

Biblical References:

1 John 4:9

Book References:

Alpha Christians: A Manifesto for Men


About Our Host:

Bill Giovannetti is the Senior Pastor at Pathway Church, Redding, California — an experienced senior pastor with a demonstrated history of working in the religious institutions' industry. He also teaches ministry-related college classes at Simpson University and the A. W. Tozer Theological Seminary. Bill has always had a passion to bring the deep things of God's word to the everyday people of God.


Veritas School Online Theological School


Connect with Bill Giovannetti:

● Visit the website: https://www.veritasschool.life/
● Subscribe to the podcast: https://maxgrace.com/category/podcasts/
● Follow Bill on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bill.giovannetti
● Follow Bill on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BillGiovannetti
● Follow Bill on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/billgiovannetti/

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