REVIVAL22-04 Time to Get Serious With God

Time to Get Serious With God
Bill Giovannetti
Today is part four in a series called Revival.

Revival is a sudden, unusual, and intense work of God in the Church. 
In revival, God purifies, awakens, and mobilizes his own people.  
The awakening in the Church results in a cleansing of culture and in unusually large numbers of people coming to faith in Christ.

It is the crying need of our world today.

Today I will speak on the topic,

It's Time to Get Serious With God

Our present situation:

What would you say about a time...
...when the nation's leaders worked overtime to actually interfere with the worship of God...
...when the whole culture was infected with sensuality and sexual brokenness and corruption...
...when children were sacrificed on the altar of their parents' convenience...
...when most of the nation lived as if there was no God, no truth, and no moral law that mattered.

What would you say about a time...
...when international alliances broke down...
...when enemies grew stronger by the day...
...when ineffective leadership seemed to make one wrong move after the other...
...and when the nation's very existence seemed in doubt.

And what would you say about a time when the people of a nation cast off all restraint and did what was right in their own eyes?