This is his strategy.
The devil calls into question who Jesus is. If he can get Jesus to doubt his truest, deepest identity, then the devil wins. IF you are the Son of God...
And this is the devil's main strategy in wounding you: he wants to create in you a false identity, a false self, a mask that you wear for the rest of your life.
When you became a Christian, you became a whole new creation. You became a new person with a new name, new identity, new destiny, new powers, new privileges, a new status, a new everything.
You are richer than you think.
You have more power than you realize.
You have a new name, new status, new privileges, new rights — all because you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Christian, you have a birthright that staggers the imagination, dazzles the angels, and scares the demons.
You are the richest person you know.
The devil hates all this. He will lie, cheat, and steal you right out of your birthright in Jesus Christ.
This is why the devil wounds your spirit. He is desperately terrified of your rising up to your true royal status in Christ. So instead of you seeing yourself as a sovereign, a ruler, he wants you to see yourself as a victim. Permanently.
Now, don't get me wrong. The truth is that we have all been victims of other people's sins. We are not denying our victimhood.
But the truth also is that our victimhood does not have to define us. It is not who you really are. It is not your core identity. It is not your fault.
Your permanent-victimhood-card is a BIG LIE from the devil, and he wants nothing more than for you to fall for it.
It is a lie that you are stupid — God made you a genius at something.
It is a lie that you are weak — you have a power that makes the demons tremble.
It is a lie that you are to be exploited and used — you are precious to God, and nobody touches you without paying a price.
It is a lie that your sexuality is permanently damaged, and that there is no hope or redemption for you.
It is a lie that you don't matter — you matter dearly to God, and you are an integral part of his plan.
It is a lie that you are ugly, a lie that you are too fat, too skinny, too short, or too tall, too old, or too young. It is a lie that past failures are fatal, and that God has a point of no return. It is a lie that you are worthless, gross, damaged goods, a loser, unforgivable, stuck, and in permanent bondage.
The devil plays the IF card... IF you are really saved, IF God loves you, IF you did it right, IF you didn't lose your salvation, IF you have power, IF you have value, IF you have worth...
With God, there is no IF!
The TRUTH is that you are a member of the Royal Family of God, one of the sovereign rulers of heaven and earth.
When you know who you are, and when you rise up to your full stature as a royal child of God, the demons fear. They shake in their boots. They flee as fast as they can. There's nothing more terrifying to evil than a child of God who knows who they are and what they have, and who embraces their glorious dominion in Christ.